I had debated making Rosie's Cozies a non-profit for awhile, but when I had looked into it I was quite overwhelmed and the paperwork was far over my head. Thankfully, there are a lot of people who want to help out. Megan, Rose's mom, has many friends who definitely take an interest in Rosie's Cozies and are willing to step in and offer anything they can to help out.
Enter Kyle. He is a friend of Megan and Ryan's and is a lawyer, with a HUGE heart who stepped in and decided to help us out. He has been the backbone of getting this thing rolling, and honestly, I could not have gotten this far without him! He has helped us come up with by-laws (okay, he did all of them), and went over all of the legal jargon with me. He has assisted me in figuring out who to appoint as officers, and he led our board meeting last night.
Although I have always worked in non-profits, I have a lot to learn about RUNNING a non-profit. Thankfully I have a lot of help. I am really excited to be able to have something more professional for Rosie's Cozies. I am excited to open a bank account to put in donated funds, and maybe someday work towards forming a more organized way of offering support to families with babies in the NICU through gas cards, cafeteria gift cards, etc. Overall, I just feel that making Rosie's Cozies a legit non-profit is going to open up may more opportunities for this ministry.
We are still working towards official 501c3 status, and it may be a bit before all is complete. Keep praying all goes smoothly and that it won't be much longer till we can announce that Rosie's Cozies is an OFFICIAL non-profit with 501c3 status :-)

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