I posted on FB asking what our next theme should be, and have decided to go with more of a holiday theme. I know it's July, BUT Fall is right round the corner, AND if we don't do another collection for awhile Christmas will come and go.
So, with the help of some of your suggestions, I think we should do a holiday theme. These means all things related to Thanksgiving/Fall--apples, scarecrows, turkeys, etc. AND all things Christmas/Winter--snowmen, gingerbread men, elf hats, Santa, etc.
Thoughts? I think this would be a great way to bring a little holiday cheer into the NICU, AND make sure those babes are looking quite festive :-) I will start doing some work looking for patterns that will help us along, but please feel free to share any you have.
Oh, and let me get back to you on the deadline. Still trying to figure out the best goal and deadline for this one :-)
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!! Rosie's Cozies is such a blessing to so many, and it could not be what it is without you!
(and a quick side note--for those of you who have non-holiday hats finished, please still send them!)

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