Saturday, November 15, 2014

Newborn Textured Newsboy Hat

A friend of mine is due for a baby in December, and requested a newsboy hat.  For some reason I have struggled to find a newsboy hat I really like.  Whenever I make them the hat either seems to small, or I feel the brim lays funny.  So, naturally, I figured it meant that I had to make up my own go-to newsboy hat.  

Hook: I 
Yarn: Worsted Weight
Gauge: 6 sc = 2 inches
For a preemie size, lower the hook size and/or change to a lighter weight yarn.

Round 1:  Start with a magic ring, 9sc inside of ring. Join. (9sc)

Round 2:  Ch2 (counts as first hdc), 1 hdc in same stitch, 2hdc in each stitch around.  Join to top of chain 2. (18hdc)

Round 3:  Ch2, 1 hdc in same stitch, 1 hdc in next stitch, (2hdc in next stitch, 1hdc in next stitch) around. Join. (27hdc)

Round 4:  Ch2, 1hdc in same stitch, 1 hdc in next 2 stitches, (2hdc in next stitch, 1 hdc in next 2 stitches) around. Join. (36hdc)

Round 5:  Ch2, 1hdc in same stitch, 1hdc in next 8 stitches, (2hdc in next stitch, 1hdc in next 8 stitches) around.  Join. (40hdc)

Rounds 6-11:  Ch 2.  Skip first stitch and 1hdc in next stitch, next 1hdc back into first stitch (this will criss cross), *skip next stitch, 1hdc in next, 1hdc in skipped stitch* Repeat from * around.  Join to first hdc. (40hdc)

Rounds 12: Ch2, 1hdc in each stitch around.  Join. (40hdc)

Row 1: slst in next stitch, 1sc in next 2 stitches, 1 hdc, 2hdc, 1dc in next 8 stitches, 2hdc, 1hdc, 1sc in next 2 stitches, slst. TURN. (18stitches)

Row 2: Ch1, (skip slst), 1sc in next 2 stitches, 1 hdc, 2hdc, 1dc in next 10 stitches, 2hdc, 1hdc, 1sc in next 2 stitches, slst.  TURN (20stitches)

Round 3:  1sc in each stitch up side of brim, slst across the front of the brim, 1sc in each stitch down other side of brim and around rest of hat.  Join to first stitch. FINISH OFF.

Round 1: Ch25, 2sc in first ch from hook, 1sc in next 22 chains, 4sc in last ch.  Now working on opposite side of chains, 1sc across 22 chains, 2sc in last ch and join to first sc.  (52sc)

Round 2: Ch1, 1sc in same stitch, 3sc in next stitch, 1sc across next 22 stitches, 3sc in next, 1sc in next 2 stitches, 3sc in next, 1sc across next 22 stitches, 3sc in next, 1sc in next, join to first sc.  Finish off and attach to front of hat.

Attach the strap and 2 buttons.  Voila!

Pin It!


  1. Wonderful pattern, so easy to follow. It's such a cute little hat and so quick. Thank you

  2. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

  3. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.

  4. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

  5. It's a beautiful hat, but I think the thick yarn can make the newborn hot and uncomfortable.


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  7. Super cute, I really love this baby hat, love all your baby hats!

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  10. الان من خلال موقع دليلك تستطيع ان تحصل علي افضل خدمات صيانة معدات مطابخ في جميع انحاء مصر علي اعلي مستوي من خلال افضل مهندسين صيانة في مصر علي افضل صيانة معدات محلات من خلالنا فقط.

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