
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Almost Race Day!

Tomorrow is the big race day! I can't believe that I have actually been able to train and prepare myself for a 5k!  In the past I have always watched in awe as people ran races, thinking that it was something I was never going to be able to do.  Just goes to show you that not all things are impossible!

Fox 17 aired our story last night, and I cannot wait to share it with all of you!  They did an amazing job!  I am humbled and so thankful.  Thank you to all of YOU!  You have prayed for this project, donated, and have sent encouraging messages.

We are close to 1000 hats and we have made it over our goal of $1000!  I am still waiting to see how many hats come in next week to add to our goal, but we are close.  I knew these were lofty goals, but we did it!!!  Thank you to all of you.  Rosie's Cozies happens because of all of you.  You are keeping her legacy alive and blessing families with children in the NICU.


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