
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time to Restock!

Rosie's Cozies is in need of some restocking!  I just found out that someone I went to elementary school with (actually, we also rode the bus together) just had her baby.  Her little girl was born 8 weeks early.  I told her to ask for a Rosie's Cozie and they were all gone!  I'm really not surprised because all of the hats everyone donated were so stinking adorable!  I am sure they went like hot cakes!

I have a few hats here to drop-off, but would like to bring a bigger stash than what I have.  Clearly, these hats are going quickly!

I understand that many of you are making hats for your local NICU, but for those who feel called to donate to Rose's NICU at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital you can send hats to:

Rosie's Cozies
6026 Kalamazoo AVE SE #119
Kentwood, MI 49508

Who knows?  Maybe one of your hats will make it to my friend.  They anticipate her little peanut being in the NICU for 4 weeks. 

Also, don't forget to make hats for those little boys!  Add a cute applique like a football, bear, or maybe even a skull and cross bones for a rocker look :-)

Oh, and be on the lookout for exciting news coming up for Rosie's Cozies!  It should be happening in the next week and I cannot wait to share! 



  1. Would you take donations any time? We are in the process of moving from Japan to Texas and I would really like to make some hats to donate. How often do you have to replenish the supply? I love what you are doing and would love to help out.

    Toni Bender

  2. I'm so glad you posted this request--I have a few preemie hats ready to go that got pushed to the bottom of my project basket and forgotten, plus I have some free time on my hands between projects lately so I can whip up a few more. I'll have a box headed your way in the next day or two!

  3. hi, just found your blog through lion brand..
    can you donate knitted hats also?
    thank you,

  4. I'm so touched by your stories of Rosie's Cosies! I would love to donate some hats, but just curious if there are specific types of yarns to use/not use. Perhaps this got posted somewhere along the way, if you could direct me I would appreciate it! :)
