
Monday, February 20, 2012

Rosie's Cozies Drop-Off

Have you ever been part of something that was bigger than you had imagined it would be? That took a life of it's own? That was without a doubt the hand of God at work? This entire project for Rosie has been so humbling and amazingly eye-opening at the same time. I know God works, but I really feel like I am part of something God-breathed and directed.

Last week I had the privilege of dropping off the hats so many of you have lovingly created and sent to me. I met with Rosie's parents, Megan and Ryan, at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital. This was the first time they were able to see our huge pile of hats, as well as their first visit back to the NICU since their sweet Rosie passed.

I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. I made a phone call to my mom and my sister on the way to the hospital asking for prayers and some encouragement. Why was I nervous? For one, I felt like I was going to be intruding on an emotional moment for Megan and Ryan. This was the first time they returned to the hospital, and I didn't know if there was really a place for me at such an event. I feel honored and blessed that they allowed me to be a part of that and welcomed me to join them.

Second, I have never been to a NICU before. I didn't know what to expect. I have never seen a premature baby, let alone one that was born sooooo early. I was worried I wasn't going to keep it together and if I would be able to handle seeing those sweet little babies fighting so hard to live.

Third, I was worried about the reaction of the hats. Stupid? Yes. I think I wanted so bad to bring something that Megan and Ryan could be proud of. How do you really make something great enough to honor the life of someone's child? I know Megan and Ryan would never be disappointed in what we have done, but I just wanted them to know that there will never be enough done to honor their daughter and their story, as well as the stories of the families with children at Helen DeVos.

Meanwhile, God I'm sure was laughing at me. I can just imagine that He was thinking, "my child, I have done this good work through you, and I will be faithful to complete it."

I met Megan and Ryan in the parking ramp and we headed on up. There is a bridge from the ramp to the hospital. They commented on the familiarity of "that walk." We checked in and headed on up. We were met with their Family Support worker, Amy, who was one amazing woman. She had been in their shoes 12 years previous, and now works at Helen DeVos to help families who are there now.

I was so excited that the entire walk unto the NICU people commented on the hats. The hats that YOU made. Everyone loved them and could not get over how cute they were. Nurses were stopping in to pick out a hat for their little patients and even a mother was there to look through them. Megan put it so perfectly. She mentioned that they couldn't put clothes on Rose, so her "outfit" was her hats. This is all those babies have and their families have to give their little ones a little more character and personality.

Amy brought me on a tour of the NICU, where I was able to see a tiny glimpse into the lives of the families with babies there. I saw the room where Rosie stayed and met her doctor. Just seeing the environment and people involved made me feel even more excited about Rosie's Cozies. It made things more real and the project even more meaningful than it already was.

One tidbit of info not mentioned yet is that Megan is pregnant. She made a comment that hit me hard. Megan told Rosie's doctor that she felt her pregnancy was a blessing from their Rose. Had Rose not passed away, Megan and Ryan would not have this pregnancy they have now. So true.

At the end of our visit I got into my car and the song "Blessings" by Laura Story was on the radio. This is a song so powerful and so perfect for that moment. I was thinking of Megan's words about her current pregnancy while I listened to the lyrics "What if your blessings come through raindrops, what if your healing comes through tears..." I sobbed. I cried for Megan and Ryan's tears, but for the joy of this new blessing. This new blessing could really only come through the raindrops and tears at the loss of sweet Rose. God always has a plan, despite the struggle and pain it is to get there.

Overall, my visit to Helen DeVos with Megan and Ryan was so humbling. Their story is one of may of the families who pray, who plead, who beg for the lives of their child. I am humbled by their strength and their faith.

The hats donated were a huge hit and were beyond appreciated. I am so thankful for those of you who have donated and so graciously and selflessly given to this project. Please know that they are a blessing to those families and even the nurses get so excited for such adorable hats to place on their little babies.

I hope to continue collecting hats for this project and will post soon about some info about what type of yarn and stitch is best. I will post soon of my new PO Box address so you can keep sending hats. Those at Helen DeVos made it very clear that there can never be too many hats.

Thank you, Megan and Ryan, for letting me be a part of your first visit.

Thank you to each of you who have donated hats to honor Rose.

Thank you to those who have prayed for this project and donated to it's cause.

Thank you Helen DeVos Children's Hospital for all you do for those sweet lives and their families.

Thank you to sweet Rose for her life and her legacy.

Most importantly, thank you, Lord, for your goodness. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for blessing Rosie's Cozies, and please continue to bless this project.


  1. Thank-you Betsy for that beautiful update on the work you are doing in honor of our dear Rose. I cried through your entire post but also found such joy in knowing that Rose is touching other peoples lives. You are a beautiful person.

    Caryn (Rosies grandma)

  2. My son was born 10 weeks early and just came home from DeVos after spending 5 weeks in the NICU. We have a couple of the hats that were donated through Rosie's Cozies. They're adorable!
    What a blessing!

  3. Hello, I am passing on to you the Versatile Blogger Award if you wish to accept it. See all the details here:

  4. thank you.. a beautiful story that brings tears to my soul for the loss of any and every child, and what parents like Meg and Ryan has to go through. You are making a difference-God bless!
