
Monday, May 2, 2011


Much has been happening in my neck of the woods!  We welcomed a new niece, Lucy Rae, into the family on April 21.  She is all sorts of cute and so far has proven to be a great baby.  Of course I had to get her some Dainty Daisy gear to wear her first day into the world!  She doesn't look very impressed.

Paul and I also just spent our first weekend away from Belle while staying at home!  Paul's family took her for the weekend because we were busy with a wedding.  It was a great break and I feel like a refreshed mother!  I highly recommend it!

The crochet world has slowed down a bit for me.  This usually happens as warmer weather starts.  I have been making some fun newborn hats to keep on inventory, and following up with other newborn orders/gifts.  I also have some orders to complete before November--when Baby T is supposed to debut. 

On a pregnancy note, things are going well!  I have been taking Zofran for the nausea and I am almost finished with 1st trimester.  Paul and I will find out the sex in a couple of months and I cannot wait! 

I am still working on that soccer ball hat, as well as a basketball hat.  I hope to get them figured out soon so I can show them off!!  Cross your fingers I figure them out! I am very open to suggestions. 



  1. Congratulations to the new baby niece! She is just precious in her Dainty Daisy gear. =) So glad to hear that you are getting closer to the end of the 1st Tri. I know I couldn't wait until the 2nd one hit! =)

  2. oooh congratulations, she is simply adorable and looks a treat in her snuggly Daisy gear. Just gorgeous!

  3. Love the cocoon! And congrats on your pregnancy, babies are so fun, I love reading about others having babies. We have three and called it good (2 boys 1 girl), my youngest is 19 months so thinking of not having a newborn again kind of makes me sad! Cannot wait to see the hats!
