
Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby: Round 2

It's official!  The Thompson clan is growing!  Belle is going to be a big sister!  The big due date is November 9, and we couldn't be more excited!

With the excitement comes some fear too!  How in the world am I going to go grocery shopping with two little munchkins?  Will I ever see sleep in the first couple of months of this peanut's life?  When Paul is at work, how do I take care of 2 children all by myself?  Will I be capable??  All in all, I know things will be fine and it will be another life adjustment.   I will be okay and I will figure it out...right?

The pregnancy is still early, so prayers for everything to progress healthy and safe is much appreciated.  We definitely don't take this little blessing for granted and we hope to hear a strong heartbeat in a few weeks. :-)

Looks like I have another little head to crochet some goodies for!  It is always so much fun when it is for one of my own munchkins!



  1. Congrats! Many prayers. We had our second a year ago and boy does it change thing, but all for the better!

  2. Aww, girl I'm so happy for you! Two is EASY peasy. They're gonna be close enough in age that they'll keep themselves busy :)

  3. Congrats! I had the same feeling almost 2 years ago when #2 arrived. You'll adjust to it with God's Grace!

  4. Congratulations Betsy! So exciting~I will send along sticky baby dust, and a healthy pregnancy to you!

  5. Congratulations! Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy. :)

  6. Wonderful news! Blessings and prayers to you and your family.

  7. so happy for you betsy. 2 great things happening for you this year! you will be a great mother of 2! :)

  8. Congratulations! I am due in June and and loving all the baby knitting/crocheting I have been doing. Can't wait to see what you create!

  9. Congratulations! We just found out recently that we are expecting our first (due at the end of November.) Talk about...I don't know! (We weren't is a big SURPRISE!)

  10. Congratulations! We just had our 2nd in November and it's awesome!! On another (yet similar note) THANK YOU for the eggshell beanie pattern! I adore it and have been making them up a storm for my little girl! I'll be posting some pics on my blog soon and will definitely link back to you! I love your work!
