
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can't Wait!

I am so sorry that this post will have few pics. My camera battery is currently dead and we left the charger in Indiana a couple of weeks ago. I SOOO want to share a new set of booties I made last week. Soon enough! Once I get that camera back I will be posting many pics!

One item I will be sure to post is the new organizing book shelf. I am planning on purchasing my new life saver this Saturday, which means I will make Paul put it together on Sunday when I get home from my shopping extravaganza! I can't wait!! I went out today and bought many of the canvas baskets I will need. I have already started organizing my yarn and it feels SO good. However, I can't believe how many times I have bought the same skein of yarn over and over because I didn't think I had I have the same color in 4 skeins! Hopefully this new shelf will alleviate the problem of buying yarn when I don't need it.

Other than that, not much is major exciting over here. I am 25% of the way through my internship. Wow, that sounds so behind on where I want to be. I am really loving it, but hate how much time it consumes within my week. I miss my girl, and my house becomes a DISASTER. Someday when my internship and my schooling is all done I won't know what it is like to have my Tuesday nights free and not have to go into "work" three days a week. Keep praying me through!

Lastly, I wanted to share a picture of one of my hats. My mom gave this hat as a gift for a couple in their church who adopted this little peanut, Alyda. Could she be any cuter?!?! Her mom, Lea, shared this picture with me and I was thrilled to show it off.

Oh, and BTW, I am hoping to write a post about yarn soon. I have had a lot of yarn questions, so I am thinking about posting about my favorite yarn, most hated yarn, where I get my yarn, etc....stay tuned!

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