
Friday, October 29, 2010

Christmas Cards and Crochet

This is a post a lot of Christmas cards, and a little bit about crochet:-)

Christmas really is right around the corner. I LOVE Christmas and everything about; the music, the food, the family, and I can honestly say that I love the shopping!

Now that we have our family photos complete I have been eyeing which Christmas cards to buy from Shutterfly. I love the idea of one big ole picture of Belle like this:

On the other hand, I feel that I have to get a card that shows of more of the pictures that Kate Krueger took of us. There are just too many that I love to not put more than one on our Christmas cards. So, in perusing the Shutterfly website I have decided to go with this style:
The plan is one big picture of Belle, as well as some small ones, and at least one with Paul and I. Let's be honest, most people really only want to see Belle anyway.

Find your favorite card here and here at Shutterfly.

Last year, Paul and I ordered our Christmas cards with one big picture of Mac and Belle. This year I am excited to add more of a family pic, although Mac might be sad that he is not a part of this year's card. I have used Shutterfly in the past for my Christmas cards and have always been really happy with the quality and the fast shipping. I am currently working on Belle's baby book through Shutterfly, and I will eventually get that sucker completed (maybe when she turns 5)!

On another note, I just found that Shutterfly now offers gift tags! Fabulous idea, huh? Check out there gift tags here. My favorite ones are these:

Now, being that I am a crocheter, I am often thinking of things I could crochet as gifts. One year I crocheted blankets for everyone in Paul's family. I have also done some crocheting for my nieces for their first Christmas'. Last year I actually crocheted a stocking for Belle that I LOVE!

It seems that the pattern I found online is no longer there, so I might have to do a bit of research. This is actually not my photo, but a photo from Granny-Along. I might have to hound her so see where the pattern for this went!

Anyway, what are you crocheting up for Christmas?

(FYI, if you write a blog and want 50 free Christmas cards from Shutterfly, click here)


  1. Thanks for posting this! :) I'm also a big fan of Shutterfly, I order my photo books through them. Well, I will, when I can afford to! But it's still fun to put them together for my photography. :) I really wish I'd be able to order Christmas cards, but it seems rather pointless as Marshall isn't born yet! Maybe if he gets here in November (instead of Dec 6) then I'll be able to ! :) Hehe

  2. Is this the stocking pattern you were looking for?
