
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Marabou and Owls

I know that I have still not been the best at updating my blog, but life around the Thompson Joint has been busy!

If you follow my Facebook Fan page you may have seen me asking for some prayers for my friends, Liz and Mike. Liz is currently 28 weeks pregnant and has been having contractions. The poor girl has been in the hospital since Monday as they have been working to stop the preterm labor. Last update is that she is staying yet another night, but they are hopeful she can go home tomorrow on restricted activity. I believe in the power of prayer and I have been asking everyone to pray for them as this seems to be an exhausting process and they just want to keep that little one is as long as they can so she can come out healthy and strong without concerns. Thanks so those who have already been praying!

On another note, things in the crochet world were at a lull, and now they are full speed ahead! I had a week without a single order and then got orders left and right! I will not complain, though. I have finally saved up enough to buy new counter tops. They come in next week and I promise to show before and after pics! Seriously, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE the awful choice of counter top the builders picked.

I have made up a new hat style and bought a new hat pattern. I am excited to share them, as I think they turned out well. This first one is a Marabou Earflap hat. It was easy to modify the monkey hat I do by simply adding the marabou to the top instead of ears. Completely different look that adds a lot of flare!

The second hat is an Owl Earflap Hat. I just purchased this pattern and my friend, Lindsy, asked if I could make her one to give as a gift. I was glad to be able to try it out! Why is it that hats that look like animals are so stinking cute??


  1. I just bought this same hat pattern. I love it! Haven't tried it yet though:)

  2. I love These Hats!! One day soon I hope to make an owl hat!
